how you shows ur emotions?direct?keep it on ur heart?
how you deal with that?
does sometimes u think that ur emotions sometimes annoyed the others even though u think that is totally jokes?
same goes with me, some people said i', emotional, certain saying i'm normal,
but the reality, only me and God know how it feels, how it help me to keep the others feelin even at the end of the day, it comes back to me,
p/s : next time, kalo nk buat muka, pandai2 la crik time n tempat, jgn disebabkan "kesentapan" anda, mood org len nk study hilang tiba2...pesanan pada dirik saya jugee......
~life is drama~(big D, 2009)
gud then. hav faith in urs ;) fighting!
ohmy! i can tell.
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