dear new boyfwen of my ex-girlfwen..
don't know whether u read this or not, but hope u always happier with her..
take of good care of her, especially....
- mase nk lintas jalan, pegang tangan die erat2, minah ni gelabah sikit lintas jalan.
- kalo kua ngan die, make sure bwk tisu lebeh, die suke pegang tisu.
- kalo die dahaga, offer die air bikarbonat oren, die suke.
- kalo nk kua ngan die, paki baju sedondon mesti die suke n teruja.
- lepas balik dating, jgn lupe ckp "i love you".
- kalo tgh msg ngan die, jgn lewat reply nanti die mula duk pikir bukan2.
- kalo die ajak teman msg die malam2, teman jer diee...she's scared alone.
- then, nasihat die suh pki handbage besor2 sikit, senang nk tumpang barang ko nanti.
- sanitizer jgn lupe bwk.
- then kalo bufday die, make sure ko org first yg wish.
- kalo die tgh bz mcm mane pon ko mesti bagik semnagat kt die n ckp "awak mesti boleh" even ko taw die x mampu buat..hahahha.
selebehnya, ak harap korang berbahagia n getting better from me in previous...
semoga berbahgia~
dear...are u okay?
kak farah....
i oke jerr....
weng2 jerr..agagagga...
hows welly??
u cool man.
kalu ade jodoh xkemana okay..
remember dat dude :)
cik ali-try to be the coolest as i can~
cik qielaa-komen anda sgt klisyehhh oke
alahai, rilek la big din. hidup ni masih jauh lagi perjalanannya.. bulem mase lagi nak pikir secara serius tentang hati dan perasaan ni.. capai la cita2 n impian dulu.. bantu keluarga and buat diorg bangga.. tu yang lebih penting..
I was there and watch the flow
i knew its time for me to pack and go
walk and head for the best to glow,
and i hope so, well u are not alone
you and i we can talk on the phone
share it all from the top to the cone
you can do it buddy, u wont be prone
coz you got it all like a king on his throne!
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