Sunday, January 30, 2011

Travel, Birokrasi, Delicacies

sometimes, i'm start to think,
we lived in Malaysia, a place with full of harmony, full with the happiness,
but why certain things like not supposed in da rite place?

example 1, ak dtg ke Sandakan cuti dung dung dung chen, (raya cina laa), but then ak tgk tempat ni mcm x membangun lansung...bukan nk ckp kutuk or ape, but is this supposed the peeps feel after sabah join "Pembentukan Malaysia"?

Rite now in here, musim hujan, da mmg banjir, dan ianya amat terok sekali, and kenape baru skrg nk luaskan lonkang and what so ever? bila ada org da mati?
kite nk senang sangat nk tolong org negara luar, tapi pernah ke nk tolong rakyat sendiri yang maseh mundur, x membangun, buta huruf, buta teknologi...yg sebok2 nk tulun negara luar asal?..huh!~

okeh, when traveling, im love about the delicacies!!..haa, mmg xleh lari dgn aku...hu3..

my sis who turn to "sabahan"..hu3

this i like most just now, looked simple but HEAVEN...located at Sim Sim Road, Sandakan

Tommorow will schedule to Beluran and goin to Pedalaman which is where my sister n bro in law tough..
haihh, very scared to be there tomolow...aiyak aiyak


tyka chou said...

btul tu big D!! kalau mu tgk kt mlake ni lg laa..bkn tlampau maju membuang duit xkene tmpt! huhuhu

zahra. said...

ayakkk ayakkkkk

bring something for me and others!

wah, you'd better get A for POLITIC after this okayyyy!


keeda. said...

betol din aku setuju ape kau cakap. kesian, bnyak lagi kot tmpat kat malaysia yg belom membangon.still mundur. btw aku terlior dengan ikan tu !

Anak Kampung said...

cik tyka-..agagga...nthanya, cube wat lrt kt sabah n sarawak ni...kan2??

zahra-dr faisal tgk ni menangis darah koot...

keeda-tu sebenarnye motif ku....hu3

iekah said...

pemimpin sekarang ber-manifesto untuk diri sendiri, bkn ntok rakyat.

*ouch, tetibe nk emo. HAHA

Anak Kampung said...

cik ikah-oyeahhhhh~!